Free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0
Free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0

free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0 free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0


free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0

include/librssguard/services/abstract/gui/custommessagepreviewer.h.include/librssguard/services/abstract/gui/authenticationdetails.h.include/librssguard/services/abstract/feed.h.include/librssguard/services/abstract/category.h.include/librssguard/services/abstract/cacheforserviceroot.h.include/librssguard/services/abstract/accountcheckmodel.h./usr/local/share/licenses/rssguard-4.5.0/GPLv3+./usr/local/share/licenses/rssguard-4.5.0/LICENSE./usr/local/share/licenses/rssguard-4.5.0/¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist Expand this list (32 items) Collapse this list. Is optional for RSS Guard: when built without it, simple text component is In contrast with many other RSS readers, heavy WebKit/WebEngine dependency Inoreader, Nextcloud News, Reedah, Tiny Tiny RSS. Bazqux, Feedly, FreshRSS, Gmail, Google Reader, Maintainer: Port Added: 13:27:07 Last Update: 07:06:50 Commit Hash: e7c445f Also Listed In: www License: GPLv3+ Description: RSS Guard is simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use RSS/Atom feed aggregatorĭeveloped using Qt framework which supports online feed synchronization Rssguard Simple (yet powerful) Qt5 feed readerĤ.5.0 net =0 4.3.4_1 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. Want a good read? Try FreeBSD Mastery: Jails (IT Mastery Book 15) All times are UTC FreshPorts - net/rssguard: Simple (yet powerful) Qt5 feed readerĪs an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Free instal RSS Guard 4.4.0